Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Personal (Professional) Learning Network

Well, it's getting is only a week away for all teachers! After twenty-three teaching years, I still feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. I guess I would wonder if I  felt differently. In the past, I always had a recurring nightmare that I would run out of activities for students. They are sitting there looking at me expectantly and I am frantic! But when I try to rationalize this, I realize I have NEVER run out of things to keep kids engaged and learning. I am sure many of you have had the same experience.
 This year it seems to be kind of the opposite feeling. With my new position, I have spent many hours exploring, learning, listening, researching, and pondering. I have so many ideas, I just hope I have enough hours in the day to get to all of them and not drive you bonkers with TMI! (too much information)
One reason I have so many new activities and philosophies is the development of my PLN, or Personal (Professional) Learning Network. I know, I know more initials! But seriously, there are so many educators out there with a tremendous amount of experiences, new ways of thinking, opinions, and brain stretching ideas. And the best part, you ask? They are right at our fingertips! Available at the click of a switch, pounding of the keys, touching of the screen. Previously, when I attended technology conferences, I always left with a sense of how far behind we were compared to other districts. Now we don't have to be! Everything is right there...we just have to go out and get it! One way to do that is to develop your network.
I know. You don't have enough time. You have a family. You need to cut it off somewhere. I understand. I'm there with you. It does take some time. I'm not going to lie. But chose something. Give it ten minutes a day. Talk to others to see who they follow. I follow people on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, blogs, educational sites, etc. I have participated in an online book discussion.  I have listened to a lot of webinars this summer. They have been terrific and allow me to do other things while I listen. I know I go overboard on this, but you can just do one thing. Dip your toe in. You will be amazed how this grows and changes your teaching. Or maybe reaffirms what you have been doing all along.
I found the following article from the New York Times. It lists thirty-three educators who had written guest articles for them. They were asked to reflect on their PLN and  list something important they had learned from their network and someone they would recommend to others to add to their PLN. There are so many great ideas in one place. There are many other places to find connections. Keep your eyes and ears open. Ask questions. I am here to help you!