Sunday, September 13, 2015

Grow Your Classroom

Breaking down the classroom walls! No longer is the fact that we live in a rural area an excuse for not connecting with others. Combining technology and the natural curiosity children have about others is a perfect way to connect with other classrooms from all corners of the Earth.

Following are several opportunities to make connections with others:

Global Read Aloud

Several of you took part in this activity last year and found it to be very rewarding. The basic premise is that you read aloud the book you choose to your class. Through various platforms, you can connect with another class(es) that are also reading and discussing the same book. This begins in early October/ Sign up at the link above and I will help you make connections.

2.  Quadblogging


As much as I love student blogging, one drawback I have found is that it is difficult to have consistent responses. Without an audience, the thrill of writing will soon fade and the motivation to blog and express feelings is soon gone. The concept of quadblogging is rather simple. Four classes from any part of the world commit to an agreed amount of time. During this time, classes take turns being the spotlight class. The other classes read and comment on the blogs. Awesome way to connect!!

3.  Web Projects

There are many different projects listed on the internet, but a particular page I like to work with  is Projects by Jen. She has quite a few different projects that you can sign up to join. They do not cost  to participate, but you may have to buy some easily available and low -cost materials.
My tier class did the O.R.E.O. Challenge and had a stackoff with three other classes from across the U.S. Several classes participated in the Christmas card exchange. Lots of fun and learning!

4.  Image result for skype app   

Several teachers have Skyped with classes and experts across the world. We have had Mystery Skypes, a kind of 20 Questions game, in which classrooms guess where each other is located. We have visited with marine biologists, park rangers, authors and many other experts. Students love this interaction with other people outside their classroom!
Google Hangouts are another option that is very similar to Skype. Let me know if you are interested!

5.   Twitter

Twitter,,,,what more can I say! Twitter is such a multi-purpose educational tool, In respect to connecting with others, it is wonderful because it is so easy to find and connect with multiple classrooms. A simple search is all that is required to find similar classrooms all around the world. Not only can you send out messages telling what your classroom has been doing, you can also see what other classes have been learning. This can  become a great resource for you.
Students can also interact with authors, experts, etc. in a quick and easy format. Give it a try!